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Showing posts from October, 2020

My Coronavirus Results

I took two tests, the first one was the viral test to tell if I presently had COVID-19, and the other was the antibodies test to tell if I had COVID-19 in the past. I wasn't surprised at my results, and I'll explain why.      I took the anterior nasal swab ... yes, the one that everyone seems to be saying is awful. It wasn't that bad for me. The test lasted less than half a minute. I tested negative for the virus that causes COVID-19. However, I tested positive for the antibodies.  I wasn't alarmed about being positive for the antibodies. Earlier this year, had a bad cold, well at least that's what I thought. One of those colds that your entire body aches and the light in your has to be off at all times because you can't bear to look at anything lighter than the back of your eyelids. After receiving this positive antibodies result I think I might have had coronavirus earlier in the year when I was really sick.         My result got me really interested in learni